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Snapshot: Sunflower Natural Foods Market - Woodstock, NY

Sunflower Foods is a natural and health food store located just outside of Woodstock, NY. It's part of a two-store chain that is a member of the Independent Natural Foods Retailers' Association, or INFRA. (For whatever reason, Sunflower no longer uses the generic INFRA circular; they have a customized one with their own logo at the top.)
 Glancing at this building, I had initially thought it was a former Centennial style A&P. Looking more carefully, though, it certainly is not. The building is too shallow and wide, although the roofline does share some similarities.
 Sunflower had a good selection of natural and organic products, and most likely due to its INFRA cooperative affiliation, was not insanely high-priced.
 Other than this and a few other assorted small markets, Woodstock doesn't have a supermarket. There is, however, a Hannaford about three miles south in West Hurley.
The store is located at 75 Mill Hill Rd, Woodstock, NY.

Photographed June 2017
