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Snapshot: Ideal Market - Johnstown, PA

Ideal Market
Owner: David Mihalick
Opened: 1998-2023
Cooperative: none
 339 Walnut St, Johnstown, PA
Photographed: January 14, 2023
Contributor: Margot S.
Today's snapshot is a bit of a bonus one! In writing yesterday's post about the former Tioga Street Market, I noticed that another picture my friend had sent actually inadvertently contained a shot of the now-closed Ideal Market in downtown Johnstown. The roughly 18,000 square foot store opened in 1998 as part of the local Ideal chain, with no relation to New York's Ideal Food Basket, and just recently closed this summer. That picture above is a not-great-quality screenshot of the below view of downtown from up on the hill in Westmont. And here's a little look inside the supermarket when it was still in business.
These are pictures from the Johnstown Inclined Plane, the world's steepest vehicular inclined plane (basically the steepest slope a vehicle goes up and down). It's a cog railroad, that goes from downtown Johnstown up to the Westmont neighborhood, and while it is temporarily closed for renovations, we can still get an idea of the setup from these pictures.
That is all for this part of the state, and next week, we're returning to the northeastern part of the state for our next group! Have a good weekend!
