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Update: SuperFresh - Roselle, NJ

Owner: Howard Lee / Food World Supermarkets
Opened: 2017
Previous Tenants: Food Fair > Pantry Pride > Foodtown > Food King > A Seabra Foods
Cooperative: Key Food Stores
Location: 550 Raritan Rd, Roselle, NJ
Photographed: June 22, 2023
Alright folks, how many more updates do you think I'll do at the Roselle SuperFresh before it actually reopens? And can you believe this store actually appeared in a dream I had a few weeks ago? 
We last saw this store back in March with pictures from January. Good news and bad news on the changes since then. On the one hand, there's definitely renovation that's happened, but on the other hand, there's also (or was as of a few weeks ago) a stop work order posted on the front, although it's unclear why. Work has clearly paused but I'm not sure what the issue here is, or why it's been so extensively delayed.
Definitely renovation happening though! One big change: most of the windows have been covered, making catching a glimpse inside a bit harder. There's only a few places we can actually see inside. Above is one, where we see the debris has all been cleaned out, but one more important change: the decor has all been removed. Presumably, new decor will be installed (likely matching what's at the newer SuperFresh stores) before the store is reopened. It also looks like something's being built, although I'm not sure what the wooden structure is.
Over in the deli room, we see that the service deli/bakery counter has been removed and new refrigerator cases have been installed around the perimeter of the room. Is the deli still going to be located here? Will this room become the new main entrance and this will be produce? Why else would there be refrigerator cases clearly all around the room but no evidence of a service counter going in?
So as of April, no construction has actually been happening -- a real disappointment when paired with the obvious signs of progress inside. We'll hope they resolve this quickly and can continue working on this store!
