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Look Inside: Pasquale's IGA - Carbondale, PA

Pasquale's Food Market IGA
Owner: Patrick Trichilo
Opened: 2009-2021
Cooperative: IGA
 25 Dundaff St, Carbondale, PA
Photographed: December 22, 2018 and December 18, 2019
Welcome to Carbondale! Carbondale is also home to a Weis, but for many years there was an independent store just outside of town of around 14,000 square feet. Pasquale's opened in 2009, although I can't quite tell what the name of the store was previously. Movon Family Market?
The main grocery area has most of the grocery store, with frozen foods and some more grocery in a second room up a ramp from the main room.
The deli is in the main part of the store, but then the second room was beginning to show signs of winding down at the time of my 2019 visit. The store closed in 2021.
I was also at this store in 2018, but I was there in the evening, and Pasquale's had updated its hours to closed at 4:30 on Saturdays. I was there at 6:20, and the store was very much closed for the night.
I did, however, get some pictures through the windows, to fill in some of the gaps in my 2019 pictures.
Here we can see the produce department on the right side of the store, along with the registers.
And it looks like the store had reduced its hours back in 2018.
But it looks like six miles north of here, the owners of this store (or maybe the same family) have another location. We're going to check it out tomorrow!
