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Look Inside: Geraci's Market - Newburgh, NY

Geraci's Market
Owner: Andres Garcia
Opened: 2001 under current ownership
Cooperative: Krasdale Foods
 16 Mill St, Newburgh, NY
Photographed: November 22, 2023
Welcome to downtown Newburgh! The city, right on the Hudson River, is around 50 miles north of New York City. We saw the Adams and the Market Fresh outside of town recently, and now we're taking a look at two small stores in downtown Newburgh. Geraci's Market has been here in Newburgh for a long time, although I couldn't find an exact opening year -- but the sign alone tells us it's been a long time. It's been under its current ownership since 2001.
The store looks to be about 4,000 square feet, and inside, it hasn't been changed for many decades, I'm sure. Frozen foods, meat, and produce are in the first aisle, with a tiny butcher window on the right side (you can see the space where it is below). Packaged meats and refrigerated produce line the back wall, with a few grocery aisles and dairy in the last aisle.
I love this tiny butcher and deli window! The space is three buildings' ground floors combined, so this is likely the division between this building and the next. You can see the posts above where the other two combine.
The store is old, but it definitely has a little of everything and is a good holdover if you can't get out to the larger stores outside of town.
The store sells Krasdale branded items as its storebrand.
You can see the store is a little more substantial than a bodega, but is not quite a full supermarket, although it does have a little of everything and even a few tiny shopping carts at the front.
Two registers, with the dairy department just beyond that. I love tiny supermarkets like this one!
That's all for Geraci's, but there's another newer tiny grocer we're going to check out a few blocks over tomorrow. Head to The Market Report tomorrow to take a look inside!

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